Miyako's PhD thesis
Dr Miyako Matsui conducted her PhD research as an external student at James Cook University. Her thesis, Parental Involvement in Second-Generation Immigrant Children’s Japanese Language Maintenance, was submitted in late 2021 and successfully passed in early 2022. To reflect processes of language maintenance in Japanese–Australian intermarriage families, Miyako needed figures that appropriately visualised the complexity of her research.
I assisted Miyako in developing family ecology figures, and one figure outlining her data collection and research procedures. Additionally, I spot-checked and formatted Miyako's thesis to align with APA 7th Edition style guides. This formatting was applied to all aspects of Miyako's thesis, including tables, front matter such as the table of contents, and back matter such as the appendices.

The figures and tables were designed neatly and Eileen's dedication to her work was exceptional.
PhD graduate
James Cook University

These images have been shared with permission from Miyako. To find out more about Miyako's research, download her thesis or contact her <miyako.matsui@my.jcu.edu.au>.
If you are looking for similar design assistance, please be in touch. I look forward to discussing your research.